Cheats GTA San Andreas PC

Cheat mode:
Enter one of the following codes during game play or at the pause menu to activate the corresponding cheat function. The message "Cheat Activated" will appear to confirm correct code entry.

Effect    Code
Adrenaline effects          munasef
Aggressive traffic            ylteicz
All cars have nitrous       speedfreak
Always 00:00 or 12:00    xjvsnaj
Always 21:00     ofviac
Armor, health, and money           hesoyam
Beach party theme         cikgcgx
Beater traffic      bgkgtjh
Black traffic       iowdlac
Bounty on your head      bagowpg
Carnival theme   crazytown
Cars fly away     bsxsggc
City in chaos     iojufzn
CJ jumps higher kangaroo
Cloudy weather  alnsfmzo
Commit suicide  szcmawo
Destroy all cars cpktnwt
Fast motion       speeditup
Flying boats      flyingfish
Flying cars        ripazha
Foggy weather   cfvfgmj
Gangs and workers        mroemzh
Gangs only        bifbuzz
Hitman level in all weapons         professionalkiller
Invisible cars      xicwmd
Kinky theme      bekknqv
Lower wanted levell        asnaeb
Manual weapon control in cars    ouiqdmw
Massive BMX bunny hops           cjphonehome
Maximum fat     btcdbcb
Maximum lung capacity  cvwkxam
Maximum muscle          buffmeup
Maximum respect          worshipme
Maximum sex appeal     helloladies
Maximum vehicle skills   naturaltalent
No fat or muscle            kvgyzqk
No hunger         aeduwnv
Pedestrians are Elvis      bluesuedeshoes
Pedestrians attack with guns      bgluawml
Pedestrians have weapons          foooxft
Pedestrians riot ajlojyqy
Perfect handling pggomoy
Pink traffic         llqpfbn
Raise wanted level         osrblhh
Recruit anyone into gang with guns         sjmahpe
Recruit anyone into gang with rocket launcher      zsoxfsq
Reduced traffic   ghosttown
Rural theme       bmtpwhr
Rural traffic        fvtmnbz
Sandstorm weather        cwjxuoc
Six star wanted level      bringiton
Slow motion      slowitdown
Spawn Bloodring Banger cqzijmb
Spawn Caddy    rzhsuew
Spawn Dozer     eegcyxt
Spawn Hunter    ohdude
Spawn Hydra     jumpjet
Spawn Jetpack  rocketman
Spawn Monster  monstermash
Spawn Parachute           aiypwzqp
Spawn Quad      akjjyglc
Spawn Racecar pdnejoh
Spawn Racecar vpjtqwv
Spawn Rancher jqntdmh
Spawn Rhino     aiwprton
Spawn Romero  aqtbcodx
Spawn Stretch   celebritystatus
Spawn Stunt Plane        urkqsrk
Spawn Tanker    amomhrer
Spawn Trashmaster       truegrime
Spawn Vortex    kgggdkp
Speed up time   ysohnul
Sports car traffic            gusnhde
Rainy weather    auifrvqs
Stormy weather mghxyrm
Sunny weather   afzllqll
Super punches  iavenjq
Stamina max vkypqc                        
Traffic lights remain green           zeiivg
Unlimited ammunition     fullclip
Unlimited health baguvix
Vehicle of death jcnruad
Very sunny weather       icikpyh
Wanted level never increases      aezakmi
Weapons (tier 1)            lxgiwyl
Weapons (tier 2)            kjkszpj
Weapons (tier 3)            uzumymw
Yakuza theme   ninjatown

Note: The "Drive on water" and "Pimping missions completed" codes are not available in the PC version of the game.

Screen Shot :

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